Procedural Generation Workshop

This interactive tool allows you to explore and experiment with various procedural generation techniques. Whether you're a game developer, a digital artist, or just curious about how computers can create vast and diverse content, this workshop offers hands-on experience with some fundamental algorithms used in procedural generation.

Here's what you can do:

Procedural generation is widely used in video games, computer graphics, and simulations to create vast, diverse, and unique content efficiently. It's a powerful technique that allows creators to produce complex worlds, levels, or assets without manually designing every detail.

Enjoy exploring the fascinating world of procedural generation!

Generation Code

	const generateTerrain = (ctx, width, height, noise2D) => {
	  const { roughness, elevation } = parameters.terrain;

	  for (let x = 0; x < width; x++) {
		for (let y = 0; y < height; y++) {
		  const nx = x / width - 0.5;
		  const ny = y / height - 0.5;
		  let e = (1 * noise2D(1 * nx, 1 * ny)
				  + 0.5 * noise2D(2 * nx, 2 * ny)
				  + 0.25 * noise2D(4 * nx, 4 * ny));
		  e = (e + 1) / 2; // Normalize to 0-1
		  e = Math.pow(e, 1 - roughness); // Adjust roughness
		  e = e * elevation; // Adjust overall elevation

		  const r = Math.floor(e * 255);
		  const g = Math.floor(e * 255);
		  const b = Math.floor(e * 100);
		  ctx.fillStyle = `rgb(${r},${g},${b})`;
		  ctx.fillRect(x, y, 1, 1);

Understanding Procedural Generation 🌍🏰🏙️

Procedural generation is a method of creating data algorithmically rather than manually. It's widely used in game development, computer graphics, and simulations to create vast, diverse, and unique content efficiently.

Key Concepts in Procedural Generation

1. Terrain Generation 🏔️

Terrain generation often uses algorithms like Perlin Noise or Diamond-Square to create realistic landscapes. Key parameters include roughness (how jagged the terrain is) and elevation (the overall height of the terrain).

2. Dungeon Generation 🗝️

Dungeon generation typically involves creating a series of interconnected rooms and corridors. Important parameters include the number of rooms and the average length of corridors.

3. Cityscape Generation 🏙️

Cityscape generation creates urban environments, often using techniques like L-systems or agent-based modeling. Key parameters include building density and maximum building height.

Applications of Procedural Generation 🚀

Experiment with the visualizer above to see how different parameters affect the generated content!

Procedural Generation Quiz 📝

Which algorithm is commonly used for terrain generation?

What is a key advantage of procedural generation?

Which parameter is typically NOT used in cityscape generation?